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Being Part of the Solution: Go Green!

The Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs launched on the 25th February 2011, the Catch the Drop Campaign to raise awareness that saving water is a concern for us all and to show that one’s behaviour may be adapted to achieve responsible and sustainable usage.

Each year Catch the Drop travels around schools in Malta raising awareness in different manners. Today, it was our school’s turn. Our school eagerly accepted the invitation and welcomed Ms Marvic Refalo who gave an insightful session on how her audience, our children, should help develop and promote sustainable solutions for the development needs of both people and the planet. She encouraged them to question unsustainable living and creatively come up with new and better solutions to the world’s shared problems.

Today’s session should help spark within our children certain optimism that will enable them to work individually and collectively to promote sustainable futures; their future. The session concluded with the handing out of a questionnaire to be taken home and returned duly filled by the end of this week.

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