Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Parents Teachers Association (PTA), exists in all schools private and public with the aim of helping the school management in the welfare of the school. It constitutes an unofficial advisory body to the school and is made up of a number of parent representatives, teachers and both the Superior and Head of School. In our school the first PTA was formed in the 1980, when a committee formed of parents of children attending the school met regularly under the direction of then headmistress Sr. Mary Hughes.
Today the PTA is headed by a council formed of parents, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting, teachers and both the Superior and Head of School. The council elects from within its ranks a President, Secretary, Treasurer and PRO to run and administer the council.
The PTA’s main aim is to lend its help and administer the aspects of the school management that are not directly involved in the educational aspect of the school’s pupils. This allows the school administration to give its attention fully on the educational development of the school, and allows the teacher of the school to focus on the educational nurture of the schools pupils.
Thus the PTA upon discussion and approval with the school management will embark in planning, managing and funding capital projects for the school. This includes, investment in new equipment for the school, upgrading of technologies and tools used by the teachers and staff during lessons and plan and manage regular activities during the year with the aim of funding these capital projects.
The PTA meets once a month to discuss current projects and plan for future ones. Its ultimate aim is to aid the school staff and teachers so they in turn can help the school’s pupils reach their full potential and prepare them in the best way for the future. The meeting is open to any parent as an observer, and we must be informed beforehand. A copy of the PTA Meeting minutes and annual financial report are also available upon request.

Our PTA began on 27th November 1980, and the committee was comprised of parents of children attending school at the time. The Head of School was Sr. Mary Hughes, from Ireland. The PTA has been meeting on a regular basis ever since.

Current Comittee
Salvino Attard - President
Secretary - Sharon Galea
Members - Cheryl Grech, Miriam Grech, Ryan Xuereb, Maureen Borg & Debbie Theuma Scerri