Ta' Pinu Pilgrimage
In celebration with the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy the children this morning took part in a Pilgrimage to Ta’ Pinu Shrine together...

Show & Tell Tuesdays
Show and tell every Tuesday - will help students boost their self esteem and help them for their oral exams. In this case, Mr. Scerri is...

PTA Annual General Meeting
Parental interaction with schooling is one of the most important factors for learners’ successful educational development (Desmond &...

Outing to the Pottery Barn
Our Year 3 students had the opportunity to try their hands at some creative pottery creation! Each student created a plaque with their...

Lenten Sermon
Lenten Sermons for Year 4, 5 & 6 by Fr. Joe Caruana

Being Part of the Solution: Go Green!
The Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs launched on the 25th February 2011, the Catch the Drop Campaign to raise awareness that...